
Netball Learning System

All umpires can access their accreditations and learning history or enrol in new courses/workshops by logging into their account at

Should any umpires have issues setting up an accounts, please forward them to where a dedicated troubleshooting team at Netball Australia will assist.

Within the learning system you will find lots of great on-line education courses you can complete. Two popular courses and ones which are pre-requisites to join the Green Shirt or

Cadet Program includes;

Rules of Netball Exam $12.00

Foundation Umpire Education Course $45.00

Some are free and other attract a small fee. Completion of all courses are recognised as formal learning and will be recorded on your learning account.

At Albany Netball Association we value the importance of umpires as an integral part of our game.
We aim to provide support and learning opportunities for anyone wishing to develop as an umpire.

For more information about umpiring at ANA please contact the ANA AUDO

2024 Umpire Workshops

Netball WA Great Southern Umpiring Workshop for team umpires/coaches/parents

Alex Hodges, Netball WA Great Southern Officials, will be running a Rules discussion on Thursday 16 th May 2024 6-8pm at the ALAC Creche (6-7pm theory) then Court 1 (7pm-8pm practical). It is expected that all clubs A grade teams send a minimum of two representatives (badged umpires are not included). Information/advertising will be sent closer to the time. Participants need to wear sports attire and bring a whistle.

Rules Discussion specifically for Badged Umpires
(or those who have been badged and is expired)

Will be held Thursday 16 th May 2024, from 5-6pm in the ALAC meeting room.


  • Green Shirt Program

    The Green Shirt Program (GSP) is a practical and theory based umpiring program designed for beginner umpires, of all ages, looking to begin their journey as an umpire at a grassroots level.

    The program aims to:

    • Create and develop a supportive culture, which makes umpiring a valued and attractive pathway to participate in netball.

    • It is recommended that participants completing the program wear a Green Shirt Program uniform to distinguish that they are learning the craft of umpiring. GSP Shirts can be purchased on the NWA Website ($40).

    • Participants must have a willingness to accept constructive feedback from Coordinators and Umpire Coaches.

    • Participants must be available to umpire regularly on a rostered basis and attend online theory discussions

    The GSP is an important step for umpire’s skill and knowledge development and has shown to effectively build capacity within Clubs/Associations umpire workforce.

    Pre Requisites:

    • Must be a registered member of Netball WA either as a player / umpire /volunteer

    • Study the Official Rules of Netball book or download the app

    • Sit the Rules of Netball Theory Exam via the Netball Learning Centre

    • Complete the Foundation Umpiring Course via the Netball Learning Centre

    • Register your interest with with ANA Umpire Development Officer by emailing your online certificates to

  • Cadet Umpiring Program

    This is a new opportunity for those persons who have been umpiring for some time and would like to be viewed and assessed as to where they are in relation to badging. The time frame will depend on which KPIs you may need to work on ie 3-6 games. Refer: Umpiring Accreditation -Netball Australia. Participants must be willing to accept constructive feedback from Umpire Coaches.

    Pre Requisites:

    • Must be a registered member of Netball WA either as a player / umpire /volunteer

    • Previous umpiring experience (min 2 seasons)

    • Study the Official Rules of Netball book or download the app

    • Sit the Rules of Netball Theory Exam via the Netball Learning Centre

    • Complete the Foundation Umpiring Course via the Netball Learning Centre

    • Preferrable) Completed Rules Discussion (either face-to-face) or online

    Places are limited as it will depend on availability of mentors, and assessing panels. To express interest in this program please email

  • Team Umpires are a valuable requirement for our association to be able to cover our games. A Grade teams are allocated weekly umpire duties.

    It is your responsibility as a club/team to ensure you have someone that is registered, rostered and provide support to them if required.

    Clubs are encouraged to run their own umpire squads, ensuring their team umpires are knowledgeable and are able to umpire the most appropriate grade accordingly. Assistance is always available from ANA senior umpires. All team umpires should complete the online Umpire Foundation Course and Theory Exam to ensure they have an appropriate understanding of the rules.

  • ANA allocates appropriately experienced umpires to the A1 division All other divisions will be umpired by club umpires.

  • Albany Netball Association and Netball WA follow Netball Australia’s well-established accreditation system. For each Umpiring Badge Level there is an explanation, prerequisites and course information on Netball Australia’s Umpire Accreditation page.

  • Netball WA Great Southern Umpiring Workshop for team umpires/coaches/parents

    Alex Hodges, Netball WA Great Southern Officials, will be running a Rules discussion on Thursday 16 th May 2024 6-8pm at the ALAC Creche (6-7pm theory) then Court 1 (7pm-8pm practical). It is expected that all clubs A grade teams send a minimum of two representatives (badged umpires are not included). Information/advertising will be sent closer to the time. Participants need to wear sports attire and bring a whistle.

    Rules Discussion specifically for Badged Umpires (or those who have been badged and is expired) – Will be held Thursday 16 th May 2024, from 5-6pm in the ALAC meeting room.

    IF clubs would like to host their own workshop please contact

    Exams and Courses:

    Netball Learning System

    Rules of Netball Theory Exam

    Foundation Umpire Course
